2016 Primary and Secondary Students Championship

The Primary and Secondary Students Championships were held at the Leeming Primary School on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of October with 28 primary and 15 secondary students taking part.

It was decided at the start of the tournament to make participation certificates and trophies available for the main placegetters and the age groups in the Primary section and in the Secondary tournament 1st, 2nd and 3rd trophies only and prizemoney for the main placegetters and the age groups.

Prize Winners:

Primary Students Championship

Primary Schools Champion: Benjamin Hurst, Runner up: Pranav Senthilkumar (best under 12), 3rd: Raghav Senthilkumar (best under 10)

2nd under 12: Lucca Domiati, =3rd Vinura Alvadura, Patrick Eager, Anakin Oxford, David Richards and Aidan Young

=2nd under 10: Ethan Richards and Minh Nguyen, =3rd Sterling Adams, Leon Mann and Toby Albrecht

1st under 8: Jamie Richards, 2nd Yonal De Vas Gunawardhana, =3rd Ume Kurawara and Callum Herbert

The Schools Trophy went to South Perth P.S.

Secondary Schools Championship

Secondary Schools Champion: Ignatius Yap, Runner up: Kee-An Seet, =3rd and under 15 prizes Dylan Koh, Sebastian Verncombe, Joe Lao and Kevin Shah Mansouri

15 and over: =1st: Nicholas Blakey, Siyam Lin and Andre van Tonder

The Schools Trophy went to Mt Lawley S.H.S

Report provided by: Norbert Muller DOP

2016 Primary Students Championship Final Standings

 Place Name                       Feder Rtg Loc  Score  M-Buch. Buch. Progr. 

 1     Hurst Benjamin,                      1580 9        35.5  46.0   45.0
 2     Senthilkumar, Pranav                 1463 8        38.5  51.5   40.0
 3     Senthilkumar, Raghav                 1273 7        39.0  50.5   35.0
 4-5   Richards, Ethan                           6        41.0  52.5   33.0
       Nguyen, Minh                              6        36.5  48.5   30.0
 6     Domiati, Lucca                            5.5      28.5  37.0   22.0
 7-12  Elvadura, Vinura                          5        39.0  52.0   30.0
       Eager, Patrick                            5        38.0  50.5   29.0
       Richards, Jamie                           5        33.5  43.0   26.0
       Oxford, Anakin                            5        32.5  43.0   24.0
       Richards, David                           5        32.5  42.0   25.0
       Young, Aidan                              5        30.5  41.0   29.0
 13-14 Ratu, Tyla                                4.5      28.5  39.5   24.5
       De Vas Gunawardhana, Yonal                4.5      27.5  35.5   21.0
 15-20 Sturley, Tom                              4        35.0  46.0   27.0
       Adams, Sterling                           4        31.5  40.0   25.0
       Mann, Leon                                4        27.5  38.0   18.0
       Albrecht, Toby                            4        26.0  33.5   16.5
       Herbert, Luke                             4        26.0  33.5   15.0
       Kurakawa, Ume                             4        25.0  35.5   17.5
 21-22 Herbert C, Callum                         3.5      29.0  40.5   19.0
       Needham, Daniel                           3.5      23.0  29.5    9.0
 23-25 Perger, Nicholas                          3        33.0  45.0   22.0
       Young, Madalyn                            3        24.5  31.5   13.0
       Davis, Prezley                            3        23.0  29.0   10.5
 26-27 Bitner, Kirra                             2.5      27.5  35.0   11.0
       Needham, Aaron                            2.5      26.0  34.5   15.0
 28    Herbert, Ciara                            1.5      25.0  32.5    7.0
 29-30 Sekhon, Banisha                           0         4.0   4.0    0.0
       Carter, Jesse                             0         2.5   2.5    0.0

2016 Primary Students Championship Cross Table

 No  Name                       Feder Rtg  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    

 1.  Hurst Benjamin,                      16:W 14:W 22:W  3:W  2:W 10:W 25:W 30:W 11:W
 2.  Senthilkumar, Pranav                 17:W 21:W 23:W 11:W  1:L  3:W 20:W 25:W 26:W
 3.  Senthilkumar, Raghav                 18:W 20:W 25:W  1:L 28:W  2:L 26:W 10:W 24:W
 4.  Adams, Sterling                      19:W 22:L 16:W 23:W 20:L 30:L 17:W 24:L  9:L
 5.  Albrecht, Toby                       20:L 18:W 24:L 28:L 15:W 21:L 16:D 29:D  6:W
 6.  Bitner, Kirra                        21:L 25:L 19:W 16:L 17:L 13:L  8:W 15:D  5:L
 7.  Carter, Jesse                        22:-   :    :    :    :    :    :    :    : 
 8.  Davis, Prezley                       23:L 17:L 29:D 15:L 19:W 14:L  6:L 16:D 22:W
 9.  Domiati, Lucca                       24:W 28:L 20:L 14:D 26:L 29:W 12:W 22:W  4:W
 10. Eager, Patrick                       25:L 19:W 17:W 24:W 30:W  1:L 11:W  3:L 20:L
 11. Elvadura, Vinura                     26:W 30:W 28:W  2:L 25:L 24:W 10:L 21:W  1:L
 12. De Vas Gunawardhana, Yonal           27:+ 23:L 21:L 17:W 22:L 18:W  9:L 19:D 14:W
 13. Herbert, Luke                        28:L 24:L 30:L 19:W 29:D  6:W 14:L 18:W 23:D
 14. Herbert C, Callum                    29:W  1:L 26:L  9:D 18:L  8:W 13:W 23:L 12:L
 15. Herbert, Ciara                       30:L 26:L 18:L  8:W  5:L 19:L 29:L  6:D 16:L
 16. Kurakawa, Ume                         1:L 29:W  4:L  6:W 23:L 17:L  5:D  8:D 15:W
 17. Mann, Leon                            2:L  8:W 10:L 12:L  6:W 16:W  4:L 26:L 18:W
 18. Needham, Aaron                        3:L  5:L 15:W 29:D 14:W 12:L 19:L 13:L 17:L
 19. Needham, Daniel                       4:L 10:L  6:L 13:L  8:L 15:W 18:W 12:D 29:W
 20. Nguyen, Minh                          5:W  3:L  9:W 26:W  4:W 25:L  2:L 28:W 10:W
 21. Oxford, Anakin                        6:W  2:L 12:W 25:L 24:L  5:W 23:W 11:L 28:W
 22. Perger, Nicholas                      7:+  4:W  1:L 30:L 12:W 26:L 24:L  9:L  8:L
 23. Ratu, Tyla                            8:W 12:W  2:L  4:L 16:W 28:L 21:L 14:W 13:D
 24. Richards, David                       9:L 13:W  5:W 10:L 21:W 11:L 22:W  4:W  3:L
 25. Richards, Ethan                      10:W  6:W  3:L 21:W 11:W 20:W  1:L  2:L 30:W
 26. Richards, Jamie                      11:L 15:W 14:W 20:L  9:W 22:W  3:L 17:W  2:L
 27. Sekhon, Banisha                      12:-   :    :    :    :    :    :    :    : 
 28. Sturley, Tom                         13:W  9:W 11:L  5:W  3:L 23:W 30:L 20:L 21:L
 29. Young, Madalyn                       14:L 16:L  8:D 18:D 13:D  9:L 15:W  5:D 19:L
 30. Young, Aidan                         15:W 11:L 13:W 22:W 10:L  4:W 28:W  1:L 25:L

2016 Secondary Students Championship Final Standings

 Place Name                  Feder Rtg Loc  Score  M-Buch. Buch. Progr. 

 1     Yap, Ignatius         WA        1751 6        13.0  19.5   21.0
 2     Seet, Kee-An                         5        12.5  20.0   16.0
 3-6   Shah Mansouri, Kevin                 3.5      14.5  22.5   14.0
       Koh, Dylan                           3.5      13.0  19.5   13.5
       Verncombe, Sebastian                 3.5      11.5  20.0   14.0
       Lao, Joe                             3.5      10.5  18.0   12.5
 7-10  Blakey, Nicholas                     3        13.0  21.0   13.0
       Stolk, Riley                         3        13.0  19.5   10.0
       Lin, Siyuan                          3        11.5  16.5   10.0
       van Tonder, Andre                    3        10.0  16.5    9.0
 11    Standish, Cayden                     2.5      11.5  16.5   11.0
 12-13 Healy, Adam                          2        10.5  17.0    5.0
       Pickering, Morgan                    2        10.0  17.5    5.0
 14    Lo, Daniel                           1.5       9.5  14.5    7.0
 15    McDowall, Christopher                1         5.5  10.5    2.0
 16    Rao, Keerten                         0         2.5   2.5    0.0

2016 Secondary Students Championship Cross Table

 No  Name                  Feder Rtg  1    2    3    4    5    6    

 1.  Yap, Ignatius         WA         9:W 11:W  2:W 16:W  5:W 12:W
 2.  Blakey, Nicholas                10:+ 13:W  1:L  4:L  6:W 16:L
 3.  Healy, Adam                     11:L  4:L  8:L   :W  7:W  9:L
 4.  Koh, Dylan                      12:D  3:W 16:D  2:W 11:L  5:D
 5.  Lao, Joe                        13:L  8:W 14:W  7:W  1:L  4:D
 6.  Lin, Siyuan                     14:W 16:L 12:L 15:W  2:L  7:W
 7.  Lo, Daniel                      15:L  9:W 13:D  5:L  3:L  6:L
 8.  McDowall, Christopher           16:L  5:L  3:W 13:-   :    : 
 9.  Pickering, Morgan                1:L  7:L   :W 14:L 15:L  3:W
 10. Rao, Keerten                     2:-   :    :    :    :    : 
 11. Seet, Kee-An                     3:W  1:L 15:W 12:W  4:W 14:W
 12. Shah Mansouri, Kevin             4:D 15:W  6:W 11:L 13:W  1:L
 13. Standish, Cayden                 5:W  2:L  7:D  8:+ 12:L 15:L
 14. Stolk, Riley                     6:L   :W  5:L  9:W 16:W 11:L
 15. van Tonder, Andre                7:W 12:L 11:L  6:L  9:W 13:W
 16. Verncombe, Sebastian             8:W  6:W  4:D  1:L 14:L  2:W